Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Do you have a reading routine?

Recently, I've been thinking about how often and how much I get to read these days (Which sadly isn't as much as I'd like). Then that got me thinking about my reading routine. I seem to be mysteriously reading at around the same times each day, for about the same length.

I've identified three specific periods throughout the day in which I get to read:

1) In the morning while eating breakfast
2) In the evening after I'm done my homework
3) While I'm in bed before I go to sleep

It's weird, because I actually attempt to plan my day around my reading times! I get ready quickly in the morning so I can have more time to read, I eagerly grasp any extra time I have in the evening, and I try to go to bed earlier. And to add to the weirdness, I seem to be reading in the exact same spots each time: In the morning at the table, in the evening in my favourite chair by the window, and, obviously, at night in bed.

All in all, I'm pretty amazed at how structured I've made my reading routine without even realising it! Of course, I do read more when I get the chance, but 90% of the time I seem to be sticking to this schedule. I have to say, this routine that I've accidentally developed seems to fit my life pretty well. So, my question to you is the following:

Do you have a routine for your reading? Do you try to follow it? Or do you read randomly, whenever you get the chance?


Christina T said...

I don't really have a routine anymore but when I was working I usually read for a little while in the morning (maybe 15-20 minutes) and then read on my lunch hour, and in the evening I'd also read at some point before I went to bed. If the book I'm reading is particularly gripping then I might read for several hours in the evening. Now I'm unemployed so I have all the time to read in the world-which is the only tiny positive thing about it!

Bobbie said...

I seem to have the same routine as you. I read in the morning over my coffee and after the girls get on the bus, then I read in the evening while the girls watch TV and then I read before bed. It works for me and sometimes on weekends I will read a lot more.

Anonymous said...

I think most of us read at breakfast. I read eating lunch and some in the evening and before bed too. Now that I am not working any longer, I slip in some reading during the day as well. I also have been known to carry a book with me everywhere. LOL

The question is "when don't I read?".

Unknown said...

I must say, I don't read at breakfast but, then again I usually don't have breakfast. I'm so not a morning person.
I do read every evening during the kids practices & pre-game warm ups - that is 1-2 hrs Mon-Sat and then I read for an hour or so while my darling hubby is watching tv every evening.
Sunday is our visiting day and I can get the better part of a book done while we're driving between relatives houses. That may just be the best part of a huge family!
Off to do laundry & read between loads...

Jeanne C. said...

Unfortunately, these days the only time I get to read is when I get into a hot tubby and then into my bed for the night. If I'm in a Dr.'s waiting room I read there, too (there's always a paperback in my pocketbook). I wish I could just wile the day away with a book, but I'm so damn busy these days! I long for the summer when the kids are out of school and there is nothing to do but lounge! THEN I will read ALLL DAY LONG! :)

Tales of Whimsy said...

I don't do breakfast (I like my sleep too much) so my reading is during my lunch hour and before bed. I (like Christina) will find hours for gripping read. Awesome points/questions. I love reading about how people find time to read.

My Book Barn said...

Sadly I don't get to read as much as I used to. Now days about the only times I read are before I go to bed & of course after I actually go to bed. Well, at least for the few min I can keep my eyes open that is. lol Sometimes on the weekends I'll squeeze in some extra time during the day, but that's even mostly rare.

The Book Mole said...

I have two young boys, and the only time I really get to read these days is in bed. But I don't fall asleep very easily and end up reading at least an hour in bed everyday.

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm more of a random reader for the most part. Like Juju I don't do breakfast; I read randomly through the day and during our long snowy winters will often read all day long if I can get away with it. About the only set time I read consistently is when I go to bed. Usually not for very long though--one or two pages and I'm out like a light!

Interesting post! and fun too :)

Ashley said...

Nowadays my only free time to read for pleasure and not school is right before I go to sleep, so I usually end up reading for an hour, sometimes more. And sometimes it makes me sleep easier, which is nice! :)

aloi (guiltlessreading) said...

interesting topic! no routine really - read whenever. though i can't seem to sleep at night without cracking open a book!

Ana S. said...

"It's weird, because I actually attempt to plan my day around my reading times!"

lol, same here. That's the mark of a true bookworm :P I don't read during breakfast because I use that time to check my e-mail and google reader (no internet access at work, so I know I'll only be able to again 8 hours later). But I do read on my way to work, and during my lunch break, and then for an hour when I get home before turning the computer on or preparing something to eat or doing anything else I need to be doing.

Emidy @ Une Parole said...

Thanks for all the comments! It's interesting to learn about everyone else's reading. I think we all have one thing in common - there's never enough time in a day to read as much as we'd like!

Athira said...

I should admit that I plan my day around reading as well. Sometimes I'll just chuck my thesis work and go home to read. LOL. That said, I read almost every day at lunch and before bedtime. But I keep looking for those extra minutes, when I'll squeeze in more reading time. More structured than impulsive.

Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

My reading is very structured as well. I almost solely read on the train to and from work Monday - Friday. Sometimes I find times to squeeze it in at other times.

I have one main book on the go at any one time, and that is the book that I am primarily reading. I also have an ebook that I am reading on my iphone on the go at any one time, but I only read it when I am stuck somewhere with no book, so it takes me a very long time to get through an ebook. I then read a different book just before I go to bed. I find that if I read a book that I haven't read before just as I am going to bed, I can't put it down. So I re-read a book just before bed so that when I am tired I can put it away.

Who would have thought that reading could be so complicated!