Friday, May 14, 2010

It's finally Friday

Hey guys, sorry for the late-ish post! Hope you've all had an amazing week. I've been so, so busy recently, and it's only going to get worse. My exams are coming up soon, not to mention summatives in every class. Unfortunately that means that I won't have the same amount of time for blogging and checking up on your blogs, but I'll try my best to stay updated.

1) As you probably know, today is the Book Blogger Hop! Click here to visit and join in. This is a wonderful way to discover some new book blogs and maybe gain a few new followers along the way.

2) I'm slowly but steadily getting through the book I'm reading, Citizen Girl. I'm hoping to have some time to read this weekend, so keep an eye out for my review coming up soon!

3) Last weekend I reserved some books from the library that I've been dying to read, and guess what? They've arrived! I'll be going to pick those up soon, so my IMM post on Sunday is going to be very juicy.

And that about sums up all I needed to mention. If you're visiting from the Hop, please don't be shy! Leave a comment telling me you were here. Make sure you have a fantastic weekend!


Jenn (Books At Midnight) said...
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Morgan said...

Happy Friday-it feels like it has been a very long week. I love when books arrive from the library-it totally makes my day!

Emidy @ Une Parole said...

Jenn - Aw, you're so sweet! This last month is hectic at school... I'm so overwhelmed!

Morgan - It has been a long week! I'm so excited to pick up those books.

Tales of Whimsy said...

Yah for library day :)

Becky (Aidanvale book reviews) said...

Thanks for dropping by Page Turners and becoming a follower, I love followers. I have been following une parle for awhile and I absolutely love your reviews ;-)

Emidy @ Une Parole said...

Beverly - Hi, thanks for visiting and following!

Juju - Oh yes, I love going to the library. :D

Becky - Haha, I had no idea Page Turners was your blog. Thanks, you're so kind!

Gilion at Rose City Reader said...

I'm hopping around finding new blogs, visiting old favorites, and spreading the word that I am giving away A Small Fortune on Rose City Reader. It's my first-ever give away, so I am excited about it.

I'll go look around more now. Glad I found your blog. Love the bookmarks!